
Valentina Duong

Powerlifter & Nutritionist
A nutritionist and powerlifter with numerous first place finishes at national and international competitions. Valentina's rediscovering joy, one snack at a time.
41 Articles published
4 Reviews submitted
Valentina Duong

About Valentina Duong

Valentina is a competing powerlifter with a Bachelor’s of Science and a Masters in Nutrition and Dietetics.

She dominated the 2019 Australian Junior Powerlifting Nationals 48kg class with a whopping 6x bodyweight total at 287kg. She also holds gold medals in TSF Team Championship, Top Lifter End of Year Challenge and most importantly the 2019 World Championships.

Valentina keeps an open mind about training and nutrition drawing from her own academic and athletic achievements. In particular around stress eating which she shares on her instagram @thestrengthdietitian

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Meal Providers Reviews

21 Oct 2020
Soulara had delicious plant-based meals that tasted so much better than I expected! I was a huge fan of their edamame soba noodles and would love to see similar meals on the menu. The meals were quite low in protein... Soulara had delicious plant-based meals that tasted so much better than I expected! I was a huge fan of their edamame soba noodles and would love to see similar meals on the menu. The meals were quite low in protein so didn't fit my preferred macros but it has definitely encouraged me to try to include more plant based meals
05 Feb 2020
The food was delicious the first week but their wasn't that much variety in meals and after the second week, I got really sick of the meals. The macros were great and really easy to scan into a food tracker... The food was delicious the first week but their wasn't that much variety in meals and after the second week, I got really sick of the meals. The macros were great and really easy to scan into a food tracker app. The portions were okay but sometimes I needed 2 meals for a main meal. they felt like they were snack size options. fresh veggies were used but needed more veggies.