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What is better: No-carb, Low-carb or High-carb?

Updated on Jul 12, 2022

We know getting enough protein is important for muscle building, weight management and satiety. There’s a lot of talk about healthy fats right now. What about carbohydrates? Should we be having a little, a lot or none at all?

Carbohydrates are used as a readily-available energy source. Your brain and red blood cells needs at least 130 grams of carbohydrates per day to get enough fuel to function. However, some low-carb diets recommend going as low as 20g-50g of carbohydrates per day. Is that safe?

1. No-carb is unrealistic

Carbohydrates are in wholegrains, fruit, vegetables, dairy,  legumes and beans. Yes, even lettuce and mushrooms have carbohydrates (very little but it’s still there). There’s no denying that plant foods are essential for good health and protect us against cancer, heart disease and gastrointestinal diseases. It’s important to remember that carbohydrate-containing foods come with other important vitamins, minerals and fibre needed for optimal health.

A common misconception is that sugar-free is carbohydrate-free. Most products that are labelled “sugar-free” have replaced added sugars with alternative sweeteners. This may reduce the total carbohydrate of the product but it often still contain carbohydrates.

Avalanche Drinking Chocolate 99% Sugar Free
For example, 99% sugar-free hot chocolate contains less carbohydrates than regular hot chocolate sold in supermarkets or cafes. However, this one still contains glucose solids which is, you guessed it, a simple carbohydrate!

Okay, so now you know you need some carbohydrates. How low should you go?

2. What counts as low-carbohydrates?

There is wide variation in what is considered a low carbohydrate diet.

Different type of diets that fall under the  high carbohydrate range include the recommendation within the Australian Dietary Guidelines (45-60% of total daily energy intake from carbohydrates), Mediterranean style diets (50% carbohydrates) and the DASH diet (55% carbohydrates).

Type of Carbohydrates DietDaily Carbohydrate Intake
(Based on 2000kcal diet)
Very Low Carbohydrate Ketogenic dietUnder 10% of total daily energy intake<50g
Low Carbohydrate dietUnder 26% of total daily energy intake50-130g
Moderate carbohydrate diet26-45% of total daily energy intake130-225g
High carbohydrate dietAbove 45% of total daily energy intake>225g

Table 1. Classification of diets by carbohydrate percentage of total daily energy intake.Âč

3. Are there health or weight loss benefits to going low-carb?

Ditching carbs is often touted as key to weight loss success but how do low carb diets compare to other diets?

Research has consistently shown that low-carb diets (less than 45% carbohydrates), Mediterranean-style diets and low-fat diets are all equally effective in achieving weight loss at the 1 year mark. This meta-analysis also highlighted that these diets were similarly effective at improving blood pressure, cholesterol and lipid profiles. These factors are important in helping protect our heart and reducing our risk of developing cardiovascular disease. However, Mediterranean-style diets did come up on top when it came to controlling blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

This goes to show, that the “best diet for you” is the one that you can sustainable create a calorie-restriction with.  It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You can go lower carb

It’s important to note that low-carb diets can Similarly, research comparing popular diets (Weight Watchers, Atkins, South Beach and Zone) all resulted in similar weight loss after 1 year.

4. Pros and Cons of Very Low-carb (Ketogenic) diets

✅ Pros:

  • Rapid initial weight loss
    As your body uses up your glycogen stores (how your body stores carbohydrates) and you don’t replenish it fully with more carbohydrates, your scale weight will drop rapidly in the first few days. That’s because carbohydrates are stored with water in the body, so the initial weight loss is mainly water weight. Although it isn’t actual fat loss yet, you might find this more motivating and it may help you to stay consistent and form healthy habits which lead to fat loss. By ramping up your initial efforts to eat healthy and be physically active, you get past the difficult stage of implementing new changes and before you know it, and slip smoothly into a new routine.
  • Less refined carbohydrates and more plant protein
    Limiting total carbohydrates often results in less intake of refined carbohydrates that are less nutritious and often very energy-dense. It can also lead some individuals to consume more heart-healthy, plant-based protein such as tofu, tempeh, nuts and seeds.
  • Lower-carb may be useful for certain medical conditions
    The traditional ketogenic diet is high in fat and protein, often containing between 20-50 grams of carbohydrates per day. A keto diet was originally designed to reduce seizures in children with epilepsy. It is recognised as a possible treatment option for children with epilepsy in Australia, however, it requires strict medical supervision by a dietitian, neurologist and/or epilepsy nurse. Modified Atkins diet and low glycaemic index diets are also dietary options available for epilepsy, which are less restrictive.
Lean Chicken Salad
Low-carbohydrate meals can be nutritious with careful planning and knowledge. This chicken salad includes a lean protein source (chicken breast), a healthy fat source (avocado and olive oil dressing) and plenty of low-carbohydrate vegetables.

❌ Cons:

  • Low-carbohydrate diets are often unhealthy
    They often cut out or have very limited amounts of fruit, wholegrains and vegetables. These foods are filled with important antioxidants and micronutrients we need including calcium, magnesium, thiamine, potassium, folate, vitamins A, E and B6. Limiting variety of food can lead to micronutrient deficiencies. Low-carbohydrate diets often contain high amounts of saturated fat (unhealthy fats that contribute to heart disease). Foods high in saturated fat include fatty parts of red meat, skin on chicken, butter, coconut oil and cream, processed meat (sausages, bacon, chicken), palm oil and pastries.
Roast duck high in saturated fat
Saturated fat intake can skyrocket on a low-carbohydrate diet if you’re not careful. This roast duck is a delicious source of protein and iron, but you can see plenty of visible fat and skin. This meal is also very low in fibre and can worsen symptoms of constipation if all meals throughout the day are similarly lacking in fibre.
  • Low fibre and Poor gut health
    Low-carb diets tend to be low in fibre because they limit fruit, starchy vegetables, wholegrains, legumes and beans. Fibre helps keep your digestive system healthy, gets you moving to the bathroom regularly and can help with stabilising glucose and cholesterol levels. Higher fibre diets also lowers your risk of developing coronary heart disease, diabetes and bowel cancer.
  • Weight loss slows down and weight regain can occur
    After that rapid weight loss phase where many people may lose 2-3kg of water weight in a few days, weight loss slows down. When glycogen stores are replenished after coming off a low- carbohydrate diet, the water weight comes back on. At the end of the day, these changes are not fat loss and will not affect your body composition.
  • Poorer training performance and endurance
    Our bodies are most efficient at using carbohydrates for fuel. If you are someone who takes your training seriously, not eating enough carbohydrates can cause your performance to plummet. Decreasing in performance on a low-carb diet is more obvious at high intensities but is often sill noticeable when going for a slow jog, a leisurely swim or easy bike.
  • Side effects! Oh boy, it’s a long list!
    You’ve probably heard of the keto flu that lasts 1-4 weeks as your body adapts to lower carbohydrates. The short-term side effects include constipation, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, reflux, headaches, nausea, dizziness, irritability, fatigue, bad breath (from the ketones). The long-term side effects include lower bone density, irregular periods, difficulty sleeping and cardiovascular complications.
  • Sustainability, Social events and Yo-yo dieting
    The way you eat shouldn’t stop you from living a life you love. Most of us would struggle to fit in home-made goods gifted by a close friend, dessert on a date night, a spontaneous soft-serve on a hot summer’s day or Friday pizza night if we were on a low-carb diet. On the other hand, very high carbohydrate, low-fat diets can be equally restrictive, leaving little room for tasty condiments, dressings and can even restrict healthy fats in oily fish, avocado, nuts and seeds. There is a middle ground where we can strive towards our health and fitness goals while we still include all food groups, enjoy food and we don’t feel the need to jump from one diet to the next.
Enjoy eating out
Skipping social events and experience high levels of anxiety, shame and guilt when eating out is a sign that this diet isn’t working for you. Try and challenge an all-or-nothing mentality when it comes to carbohydrates. A slice of bread or a burger won’t derail your health and fitness goals.

My Overall Thoughts

Cutting out carbohydrates (or any food group for that matter) doesn’t automatically equal health or weight loss.

High-quality carbohydrates (wholegrains, legumes, beans, fruit, starchy vegetables) are important part of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Replacing these nutrient-dense and carbohydrate-rich foods solely with foods high in saturated can lead to health complications. Carbohydrates are also help fuel athletic performance and recovery. It doesn’t have to be an all or nothing approach. You may find benefits in reducing carbohydrates without eliminating them or heavily restricting them. Instead of low-carb, aiming for “lower-carb”, around 35-40% of daily dietary energy intake is a more sustainable approach that will likely result in less side-effects. You can always adjust as you go.

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide what is safe, sustainable and feels the best for you. Do you feel slow and sluggish or energised and ready to tackle the day on a low-carb diet?

Carmens 5 Grain Porridge
If you want to start making some changes but are unsure where to start, focus on improving the quality of the carbohydrates you eat. This might look like replacing one carbohydrate-food with a better option. For example, swapping out a sugary breakfast cereal for oats or Weetbix. If you’re a pasta lover, swapping out your regular pasta for Vetta Smart Fibre Pasta, Pulse pasta (chickpeas, peas, lentils, brown rice) or Edamame Pasta is a great choice. Even changing your regular snacks from Pretzels or potato chips to Roasted Chickpeas can help you add in fibre, protein and keep you feeling fuller for longer.
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Valentina Duong
Valentina Duong
A nutritionist and powerlifter with numerous first place finishes at national and international competitions. Valentina's rediscovering joy, one snack at a time.


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