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6 Ways To Use Protein Powder That Aren’t Shakes

Are you tired of your daily protein shake? Looking to spice things up and find news ways to use protein powder in your cooking? Well, look no further than this blog! We've bringing you six of the tastiest ways to use protein powder, with some bonus tips from our in-house dieticians!
Updated on Jul 12, 2022

When you think protein powder, chances are you automatically think ‘protein shakes’. Adding protein powder to your diet is an excellent way to reach your daily protein intake. Getting enough protein each day is vital for building muscle, burning fat, and recovering from intense workouts. Protein powder, which can hit you with over 20g of protein in one shot is a super easy way to make sure you’re reaching your protein goals. However, while protein shakes are an easy way to get the protein goodness of protein powder into you, they’re not the only way to go. In fact, there are several ways to use protein powder that aren’t plain shakes. So, if you’re a little bored with your daily shake routine, well, good news, we’ve put together this blog with 6 protein hacks to help you get creative when using protein powder.

1. Protein Muffins

Protein Muffins

While muffins typically conjure up images of sugary, fat-laden treats, there are ways to create healthy, protein-rich snacks that are actually good for your body. For example, when making muffins – whether they be savoury or sweet – you can substantive Âœ cup of clour for Âœ of protein powder in most recipes. It might take you a go or two to get the consistency right, however, but don’t give up! You’ll get there eventually and be able to make a winning and delicious protein muffin that’ll help you reach your daily protein needs.

2. Pancake

Blueberry Pancakes

Pancakes are another typical food that’s seen as a treat, but there are actually plenty of ways to make pancakes in a way that are tasty but much healthier than your standard pancake. Basically, take your typical pancake batter (eggs, flour, baking powder, milk) and add a scoop or two of protein powder into the mix. You might need to add more milk or other liquid to ensure the batter isn’t too dry. You can also add some stevia for added sweetness, although depending on the protein powder you use, it might already be sweet enough.

 Dietician Valentine Doug says her favourite way to use protein powder is in sweet treats: “I have a massive sweet tooth, so I sometimes add protein powder into pancakes or brownies. Generally,I prefer to just have a glass of soy milk with my baked goodies and have a bit more protein at my next meal.” Ophie Ho says she likes to mix protein powder with yoghurt: “Mixing into chobani greek yoghurt is delicious! You can also add toppings like fruit or granola which makes for a great treat.”

3. Protein-packed soup

Protein Packed Soups

While the weather may be heating up in Australia, there’s no reason you can’t still enjoy a delicious soup. If typically protein powder doesn’t do it for you, collagen is one of the newest and most popular ways to get your daily dose of protein, and it’s great for the more savoury dishes. The benefit of collagen powder, which can come from a variety of animals, is that it doesn’t compromise on flavour, because it’s essentially flavourless. A little goes a long way with collagen as well, so you certainly get bang for your buck.

4. Chia Seed Pudding

Chia Seed Pudding

Chia seed puddings are a tasty and easy way to fuel your body with protein as chia seeds contain a good dose of it on their own. However, if you pair it with protein powder, you’ll get an increased hit of protein, while also making your chia pudding more creamier, thicker and more flavourful (like a chocolate chia seed pudding if you have chocolate protein powder!) A basic recipe to start is 1tbsp of chia seeds, 1 cup of milk and 1 scoop of protein powder.

5. Bliss Balls

Chocolate Protein Bliss Balls

Bliss balls or energy bites – whatever you like to call them – these little balls of goodness are a great snack when you’re on-the-go, or when you need to hit your protein count but aren’t hungry enough for a muffin or something more filling. There are plenty of recipes out there, but the good thing about energy bites is you can really add whatever you want to them! People typically include ingredients like dates, nut butter and the like, but add a bit of protein powder too and you’ve got yourself a real protein-dense treat – perfect for a post-gym refuel too.

6. Protein Oats

Protein Oats with Blueberry

Who doesn’t love a good bowl of oats? It’s as good as a big warm hug from nanna, right? While oats do contain a decent amount of protein in and of itself, adding some protein powder to your oats will take your morning meal to the next level. Not only will it leave you feeling fuller for longer, you can also make some delicious “proats” combinations – chocolate proats? Yes, please!

Have we missed any awesome ways to use protein powder? Tell us in the comments below your favourite way to use protein powder.

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Ally Burnie
Ally Burnie
Health & fitness journalist and presenter based in Melbourne/Naarm with a passion for – you guessed it - health and fitness, cooking, outdoor adventures, hiking, and travel.


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