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Protein Crookie

  • 1 Servings
  • Dessert
  • Unknown
82% Calculation confidence level


Protein 32% · 23g
Carbs 51% · 36g
Fat 17% · 12g
Protein 32% · 23g
Carbs 51% · 36g
Fat 17% · 12g
Cal per serving 345 kcal
Calculated figures using common products found in the ingredients list amount to 419.5 calories, 24.44 protein, 46.22 carbs, and 17.17 fat per serve(1).


  • 13g Oat Flour
  • 15g @myproteinau Vanilla Impact Whey Protein
  • 12g Powdered Peanut Butter
  • 2g Tsp Baking Powder
  • 15g Sugar Free Maple Syrup
  • 25ml Unsweetened Almond Milk (ADD SLOWLY AS NEEDED)
  • 8g Choc Chips
  • 1 Coles Croissant